Oplay Open-ended Play Resources

As Froebel says play is "the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child's soul”. We respect children's play, their uniqueness, freedom, and their ongoing learning journeys. For their development with freedom, children need a nourishing environment, enriched with well-designed high quality learning resources that do not limit their skills, imaginations, and creativity. We do not think for children, we provide open-ended learning materials that are safe, can be adapted to any skill and play, so that they have room to think for themselves and create what they want to.

Our products are mostly hand-made, from beech wood, and are all simply made with love and caring, knowing that children will turn this simplicity and beauty into whatever they need in their play. Oplay Open-ended Play Resources provide a wide range of learning opportunities such as sensory, math, geometry, etc. and most importantly, they provide open-ended opportunities for play.


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